This post is insane...I had read it before but still found more. Dr. Jane really bothered me although I watched her for a while a few years ago when she was with SP. It was always about her posing and making faces, which was annoying to say the least. Her trying to look hot in her peach blazer with her stethoscope...

Anyway, I have questions for you. My mom and I were taking HCQ in 2021 to "protect" us from the Rona, but only 1 200 mg pill twice a week, like they do for Malaria. This was HCQ we ordered from India because President Trump said he was taking it. Unfortunately we hadn't heard all of his statements or we would have Azithromycin and HCQ much earlier, in 2020. We thought we were safe and although we purchased "horse paste" we did not start taking it for prevention, and we did not have AZ.

So we started HCQ probably in mid April 2021 as soon as "shedding" became a thing. Sunday and Wednesday HCQ for next 3+ months thinking we were protected. On August 11, I suddenly felt like I'd been poisoned and since the magnetic thing was raging at the time I tested and thought I might be a bit magnetic around my collarbone. I was not aware of LQC and graphene at the time. It didn't really occur to me this could be "it" as I thought people were becoming magnetic from the jabs. On August 15 in the evening, my mom suddenly had a little dry cough. I said "uh oh, why are you coughing" but I didn't really thing she had "it" either.

So tragically neither of us started taking treatments right away. The next day, she seemed pretty normal but made a phone call in the evening to cancel something for the following day and told them that she had "it" and I had "something else." We still didn't take treatments and I was concerned that she said she had "it" on the phone as though someone might come raid our home and take her away...remember that a-hole at the WHO who said that in 2020 and scared the crap out of everyone?

Anyway, a while later I tracked down a printout of I believe the McCullough protocol and put it on the counter along with a strip of HCQ pills. Long story short, soon thereafter I believe I got hacked by a mind control demon of some sort, that didn't want either of us to take the treatments or me to be able to take care of my mom properly. It's very hard to explain and probably sounds crazy, so I guess my question is, is that even possible? It was as though all of a sudden my body was taken over by an evil spirit of some sort.

The next day when my mom asked about the Ivermectin (horse paste which I had purchased from Amazon) whatever had hacked me said something along the lines of "so now you think you're a horse?" I would never have said that. <edit> "I" did give her a gram of the horse paste right then (18.7 mg of IVM worth, I know now) and a 1.5 gm dose later, but I subsequently found out the dosage needed for Delta was 2-3X the "normal" dose and it was supposed to be for at least 5 days. Several days later when we finally found a doctor and got human IVM, the prescribed dose was only 0.2mg/kg instead of 0.2-0.6, so even the "enlightened" doctors did not have it right, and the pharmacy only gave us I think 20/60 pills which were prescribed (3mg pills) and didn't even tell us they didn't fill it properly. That would have only been enough really for one proper dose. The directions said to take 6 pills, which was the same as the 1 gm of horse paste.

Honestly it almost seemed like Satan himself had taken my body over. Whatever it was had my vehicle doing other strange things as well, like walking with my torso turned awkwardly, etc. and basically being indifferent to my own amazing mother. So what I'm wondering is WHAT THE HELL REALLY IS COVID and does it involve evil spirits or mind control, because that's what I got when I apparently had it?

I have commented on your posts before (both here and on X) and still can't understand what the HELL happened. Whatever it was that hijacked my body seemed to have come to steal my mom from me, as crazy as that sounds. After researching COVID for a year and a half to make sure that never happened, I didn't look up a single thing when we actually got ill. She never took the pills or followed the protocol, I discovered later. We were NOT jabbed or tested, BTW. Do these parasitic creatures protect themselves by preventing people from taking the treatments? It was as though I forgot everything I had learned, or I just wasn't in my vessel at all at the time and was totally under remote control. I have heard Harald Kautz talk about COVID kicking the soul or spirit out of the body, which is what I feel like happened.

Needless to say, my life is totally destroyed and I don't even really wish to live anymore, but I'm still trying to understand what this thing is and why it did this to us. I feel like we were targeted for being unvaxxed and my sisters kept screaming all over FB about how we were putting her at risk by not getting jabbed. She was the best person I ever knew and did everything for everyone her whole life and she deserved to be able to live out her life in peace. Her family was everything to her and that had already been torn apart by the TDS nonsense and the COVID fiasco, with 2 of her children and all her grandchildren being on the "other team" so to speak. Other strange things happened leading up to this series of events, but I think this is enough for now...

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Yes, you are correct there is a VERY STRONG mind control component of the Vaccine that involves Mind Control and THE MATRIX. not a fake one a REAL one, most people who got injected had their minds uploaded into the MATRIX you are no longer talking to a human but an AVATAR. If you lost your sense of taste or smell during covid you most likely are in the MATRIX. There are other methods of getting Graphene OXIDE in our bodies. Dental Anesthesia is one that even GOT ME and I know it was a PSY-OP from day one just didn't think these mfs would go that far. Also, close contact especially SEXUAL contact with a vaccinated person or a PCR tested person you can get infected. If you want a DEXTOX protocol I highly suggest Dr. Simone .......>>>>>> Agent Midnight Rider https://rumble.com/v4yo0ch-dr.-charles-simone-the-dod-created-the-vaccines-what-if-cures-already-exist.html?mref=9ceev&mc=ewucg

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That April 20 tweet has more relevant, important information than you may realize. When using FenBen (antiparasitic) for cancer (which thousands do successfully as a spin off of Joe Tippens protocol), with or without Ivermectin in the protocol, many have found it works even more effectively with Doxycycline (antibiotic), which destroys the cancer stem cells (a good thing) as well as the cancer cells. Can't believe the light bulb just went off in my head just now about what Trump was saying (and his recent "cures cancer" rhetoric, which was assumed to mean bi0weap0n "gene therapy"), knowing about the use of FenBen antiparasitics for cancer cure (with or without Doxy) for about seven years. 🤦‍♀️

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It's not Cancer cells, they are PARASITES, that's why all anti Parasite protocols work. But you need a BINARY protocol one for the Blood Brain Barrier and one for the Intestines. Thats why Trump said H works Better with A.....Even Dog Dewormer works. Thats the BIG SECRET, they have been INJECTING us with PARASITE EGGS from birth. Thats how you end up getting cancer and over 70,000 different diseases. Are IMMUNE system was genetically modified in the past to not produce Vitamin C . The entire purpose of the chemtrails food and water poisoned is to keep our blood TOXIC with heavy metals so their little PETS can run wild...... This shit goes all the way back to EGYPT and beyond, La quinta columna just posted drawings of Egyptians vaccinated their slaves with parasites take a gander. ......................https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/29245 #AgentDoctorFeelGood See https://www.europereloaded.com/cancer-is-caused-by-parasites-dr-lee-merritt/

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Indeed. The parasite issue is real (which is why the sheople have been told by big pHARMa and the psycopaths that parasites are "not an issue in developed countries". (Don't look here, look at the psyop over there 👉 we want to adle your brain with). The other thing people don't realize about anti parasitics is that they are powerful anti-inflammatories without NSAID side effects (along with having several other properties); and controlling inflammation is a powerful tool in healing. The crap the psycho DS cartel Babylon demons are spraying goes beyond just heavy metals and likely (based on Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea's findings) is where the smart dust is coming from, which is the sh!t that's assembling in the vasculature, as well as the quantum dots she (and others) are seeing in live blood microscopy. These structures would be losely defined as parasites as well, as they are self-assembling and initially require a host to grow (though they continue to grow even after being taken out of the deceased). The nanofilament structures basically are bi-directional (and use human "energy" as humans are basically "batteries") for connection to the IOB; and can be effected by specific frequencies, like 5G. (5G - another demonic cartel Babylon BS weapon of harm.) (Her protocol to stop the nano tech growing in the body is quite different than other protocols.)

On another note, as far as using FenBen to cross the blood brain barrier (to eradicate conventional "parasites", aka brain "cancer"), it's most effectively used for that purpose in it's pure powder form (no excipients) taken with DMSO to carry it across the blood brain barrier.

PS - first time reading your substack. Excellent review of a lot of things that were memory-holed and timely to be revisited. Thanks!

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Dr. Ana is not what you think she is. She is deliberately steering people AWAY from the CHEAP and EASY CURE. while at the same time gas lighting her audience with a bunch of Techno Babble that nobody can fucking understand. She also said there are NO PARASITES in the vaccine, and she only treats UNVACCINATES PATIENTS. She WORSHIPS old EGYPTION GODS through channeling. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHFRCjJDMdU and later when you learn this VACCINATION program goes back to ANCIENT EGYPT and beyond you will understand where im coming from. One of the BEST detoxes is vitamin C infusions and CBD .... make sure you watch the CBD video , I have a STRONG Feeling this my turn out to be the BEST cheapest detox, because no matter what it is going to be a constant deworming process. just like we do for cats or dogs.. https://redemperorcbd.com/how-to-remove-spike-protein-from-body-using-cbd/

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Michalcea is the one who first stated that Vitamin C IVs are an integral part in mitigating the bi0weap0n. Not sure I understand if you're agreeing or disagreeing with her on that point.

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Any Doctor not telling you to use HCQ Ivermectin Azithromycin and Zinc is a Incompetant or a fraud. PERIOD See,..>>>> https://rumble.com/v4yo0ch-dr.-charles-simone-the-dod-created-the-vaccines-what-if-cures-already-exist.html?mref=9ceev&mc=ewucg

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CBD and Cannabis are probably the BEST CURE, it is 50 percent stronger as an antioxidant over vitamin C you don't see them throwing people in cage with murderers and rapist for using HCQ, Vitamin C and Ivermectin do you???? HINT HINT HINT https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/more-powerful-antioxidant-than-vitamin-e-c-blake-godlove/



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I don't disagree. Have studied cannabis going back to the Flexnor Report (along with some of the innumerable benefits), and I believe I mentioned some of the benefits in my comment. (I can't read the comments you're responding to in these notifications.😬)

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Shes wasn't the first. ........>>>> There is NO NEED to add EDTA it's just something EXTRA she can sell ...>>>>>>>>http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n24.shtml She doesn't treat VAXXX patients she ONLY treats UNVAXXXED patients..... And the CURE and Antidote has been known since 2015 that's why Trump Tweeted it... They are all ANIT PARASITES because that's what they injected people PARASITE EGGS...... Agent Doctor Feel Good

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She treats MANY vaxxed patients. That's how she got started; but later found, as symptomatic unjabbed patients began seeking her help, that they also had to same crap in their blood (seen under live blood microscopy). And her work involves reverse engineering the sh!t that's in the quackcines and using modalities that break down some of the other components/ingredients (self-assembling nanocircuity, quantum dots, etc) found in the jab, aside from just the "spike protein". There's no question C B D would be helpful (in almost ANY health recovery situation) because it brings homeostasis to the body (so it can heal itself) as well as supports the endocannabinoid system (CB2 receptors) which governs the neuro and immune systems. The quackcines (and other crap being deployed against humanity) are not "single item" or simple molecules "medicines". They are bi0weap0ns, gene therapy, developed with many vectors of attack, targeting multiple body "systems", which is why several modalities are also helpful, including anti-parasitics and nicotine. Regardless of what you think of her, she collaborates with many other scientists, researchers, and doctors worldwide who have, independent of each other, come to the same conclusions and have had the same findings through live blood microscopy for efficacy in mitigating the nanotech, etc. Even those "practitioners" whose protocols didn't previously include some of the things Michalcea uses, are now incorporating her treatment findings because there are so many vectors of attack in play with all this bi0weap0n. Many of the protocols that are advocated by some practitioners, haven't been verified as effective on live blood microscopy. Do these other "unverified by testing" protocols help? Yes, in many instances, to some degree, they do. But that doesn't negate Michalcea's findings. There are a few drs in the alt community who don't believe "spike protein" is even "present" in the jab as it's never been "identified". So, for now (and until these psychopaths who unleashed this horror show admit what they put in this D0D bi0weap0n they've been developing for decades), it may be best to consider all options and go from there. 🤷‍♀️

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She POPPED out of NO WHERE and got a HUGE Following. that should raise alarm bells. Same as FAKE Dr. Jane Ruby and FAKE Dr. Love There is NO NEED for any complicated expensive infusions or therapy. WE KNOW what the antidote is because it came directly from the MF who created the BIOWEAPON. See my substack The Covid Kill Switch for proof..... Agent Doctor Feel Good

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It may have more important information than YOU realize. It is the TRUMP CARD, it is the cure to almost every disease, It is the destruction of the DEEP STATE BIG PHARMA. It will free Humans from 20,000 years of slavery. Translation???? ... Welcome to Ascension ....>#Agentmidnightrider

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Question: while I agree that these protocols (along with a few others) hold the cure for most disease, can you shed some light on the med-bed thing? Thanks.

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Don't really know about all the alien tech that is about ready to be released but I do know it contains age reversing technology. We don't really need med beds and NEVER DID. They have been poisoning are bodies since birth with heavy metals to keep their MIND CONTROL PARASITES HAPPY. and its NOT HUMANS doing it... You will learn more as you cross through my blogs and websites. cheers....Agent Midnight Rider We also have the Cure to Old age WITHOUT med beds or alien tech, AND ALWAYS HAVE... SEE.... https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/how-long-do-you-want-to-live

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I wonder if Ruby is her fake name like Jacob Rubinstein aka Jack Ruby ?

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Somebody made a Parady Profile on Twitter here.


Some of the Post .

I'm a wig wearing nurse who likes to be called "Doctor", even though my doctorate is from diploma mill . This is a parody account that is has a lot of TRUTH.

I guess it doesn't matter if the doctorate is in PSYCHCOLOGY OR PHILOSOPHY. Either way it's from the UNACCREDITTED, DIPLOMA MILL that was SHUT DOWN by the STATE OF WYOMING. Call me DOCTOR 🤣

COURT RECORDS SHOW: Ruby is not only dishonest, but the data she manipulated was "unintended pediatric exposure" measured by the # of phone calls to poison control resulting in her company's drug being approved over others-ergo harming more children!😡

Jane Ruby's "ONLINE" doctorate in PHILOSOPHY came from Kennedy Western University. 🤣 An UNACCREDITED well known DIPLOMA MILL which closed in 2009. I wonder why the "Doctor" doesn't reveal this fact on her bio. and so on and so forth.....#Agentmidnightrider

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Arianna Love, Price; Beverly; Maricopa; Cunningham or whatever last name she uses for the day is a liar. She is a liar just like her associate Rachel Buliski etc. These women must be brought to justice.

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