Update 2/1/2025
Agent Dirty Little Birdy STRIKES AGAIN!!!!! :
Role of Dr. Jane Ruby:
: What is interesting is that even though the DOJ has scrubbed
: many details of the case from the internet , the
: Department of Health and Human Services HHS laid out the
: criminal case in detail in their final report dated 2021.
: The report is so detailed, it is as if they wanted the true
: history to be known to the world. HHS makes it clear that
: the person who conducted the fraud was DR. JANE RUBY .
: From the report . . . http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive2.cgi?read=234540
Oh, she is a DIRTY LITTLE MOSSAD SLUT Watson.... Let me tell sumTIN to JEW.....
Agent Dirty Little Birdie
Update 2/24/2025
Bahahahaha, Dan Bongino is the New DEPUTY DIRECTOR of the FBI, and guess who he is BEST FRIENDS WITH??????
Taaaaa Daaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Agent Dirty LIttle Birdy
Maybe Now we will find out what this SKANK and Best Friends of Agent Big Bloomers Loomer have been up to..............»»>Agent Midnight Rider
Update 11-17-2024
Gee I didn’t notice…………….»»>
Update 12/2/2024
The Agent Un Jane Assassin Protocol
This is how Operatives like Agent Un Jane, the Health Ranger, Stew Peters, Alex Jones and the rest of their group of flunkies are trying to take out Trump. Paint him as a Jew loving Vaccine Pushing Russian Agent and hope some poor smuck hoping to be a hero kills him. I called it out way back in March watching Agent UN Jane pull the same PSY-OP…. It’s so easy to spot out, so you want to know how?? Good, because I am going to tell you anyway. They ALL DO IN UNISON; it’s like they are all MARCHING TO THE SAME BEAT????…………..»»» Agent Freak Nasty
This CONIVING TWAT!!!, she now ADMITS that the TRUMP VACCINE which is the Zelenko Protocol is the ANTIDOTE but NOTICE how she tries to cover it up by saying Zinc and Quercetin. She can’t tell you it’s HCQ which is the same thing as Quercetin or then she would look like a big, gigantic CON JOB. Now that Trump won, its ASS COVERING TIME. Thats why I call her Agent Dirty Little Birdy.
As some of you may have already read my DEEP DIVE into Dr. Jane Ruby’s HISTORY of mingling with KNOWN MOSSAD Whores. Like Agent Big Bloomers Loomer among others. If you haven’t read it, please take a gander…. »»»
So, THERE I WAS sitting at my NSA Z-TERMINAL monitoring her TREASON against our Commander in Chief, she asked for any of her viewers to EMAIL her evidence that the ***SPACE JEWS*** didn’t get the same vaccine as the rest of us.
**Jamaican Accent**** Me thinking IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!
And what you know!!! The Next Day She TURNS OFF her entire email address.
And then CALLS the Feds on your boy!!!!!!…………………….»» Agent Freak Nasty
What am I supposed to be scared of your little GAY security Outfit??? Do You think Agent Freak Nasty doesn’t have YOUR EXACT location at all times??? Notice how many times she touches her WIG… Nervous Much??? You saw the email SHE ASKED for the information, and nobody THREATENED her silly ass.…To her SPACE JEW mind the TRUTH is a threat……Nobody needs to threaten her, Shes committing TREASON EVERYDAY for everybody to see. You think IM the only one taking notice. I hope she enjoys COCK MEAT SANDWHICHES that’s all I’m saying…………….»>Anomaly Six
Update 10-31-2024
Agent UN Jane Calls Her DEA friends on Agent Freak Nasty
Not knowing that Agent Freak Nasty easts DEA Bitches for Breakfast.
Let’s see, so far, Agent Covid Cat Lady Called the FBI Bitches on me, Agent UN Jane called the DEA Bitches on me, who are we missing children’s???? Oh yeah!!! Them CIA FAGGOTS…..thats who………..»» Agent Freak Nasty
Ok that should do it…… Zippy De Dooo Daaa!!!!!……………………»»Superspy
Update 10-5-2024
Agent UN Jane is MAD because Trump didn’t eat a bullet...... She is SO OBVIOUS about it. LOL
Do you see what a HYPOCRITE this MOSSAD WHORE is???? She spreads lies to millions of people that our ESTEEMED Commander in Chief Donald J Trump promoted the CLOT SHOT hoping that some parent who lost their child takes his head off with an assassin bullet. But as soon as you email her PRIVATLY with TRUTH she’s calling for SECURITY… What a CUNT!!!! FYI if you didn’t know that Operation Warp Speed ONLY distributed HCQ to hospitals click on the picture below.
Dr. Jane Ruby knows GOOD GOD DAMN well Trump had NOTHING to do with the CLOT shot, I MADE SURE OF THAT in March and CARFULLY documented it. Yet EVER DAY and EVER WEEK she PSY-OPS her followers to get them CRAZY in the head thinking Trump poisoned them and their family. Her mission?? To get you to not vote for him or even better get some mad enough to assassinate him. It the SAME with all the other FAKE MAGA fucks like Stew Peters.
She claims to be a DOCTOR, but she spends all her time talking about how EVIL Trump is by pushing the vaccine which she KNOWS is a lie. Do you see her trying to figure out a cure or an ANTIDOTE??? Nope!!! Even me your BOY!!!! worked with some of the TOP SCIENTIST in the world to find an ANTIDOTE for my own children and family members. And I found SEVERAL antidotes. Don’t believe me?? TAKE A GANDER …………»»»»» Agent Doctor Feel Good
Here is number 2.
Wait until you figure out WHY Vitamin C works.
And Number 3 of course is the TRUMP VACCINE confirmed by Doctor Simone.
When there's something STRANGE in your bloodstream fool, who you going to call????................>>>>> Agent Freak Nasty .......oooowwww!!!!
Now if I can find three Cures for the Vaccine and I’m not a doctor, what does that tell you about that Stupid Bitch???? ……»»EXACTALLY She and the rest of those MF are PLAYING you like a violin with her phony outrage and hand pounding. She is another STUPID WILDERBEAST MOSSAD WHORE, just like Agent Big Bloomers Loomer and Agent COVID cat lady. Their mission is to LEAD you away from ANTIDOTE and cause hatred toward the Commander in Chief…..Q-
Please do us a FAVOR and leave this LINK for her on ALL her social media profiles so some parent who lost their baby doesn’t fall for her LIES and try to kill our FAVORITE PRESIDENT… Gracias And don’t forget to let all her SPONORS KNOW. you can find the full list on your Telegram Channel.
Substack: https://substack.com/@drjaneruby
Calling SECURITY???? Now where have, we seen that before children’s???? Oh YEAH!!!! Agent COVID Cat Lady!!!!!…………»»»» AKA FAKE and Nanny Super Star Dr. Ariyana Love
There is a REASON all women are Cray Cray and TALK you to death.......ONE WORD SON........[[[PARASITES]]].................>>>>Agent Freak Nasty
#HITman blues
Those SPACE JEWS love to call the FEDS on your boy!!!!!…………..»»> Agent Freak Nasty let me tell sumTIN to JOOOO!!!!!!!
The GAY ALIEN SPACE MAFIA SON, that’s what this shit is all about …..»»»»
DEA tells 23 medical marijuana storefronts to shut down | The Seattle Times
And for SOME REASON they ALL HATE WEED!!! and I just can’t PUT MY FINGER ON IT!!!!!
This is what WEED does to their MK-ULTRA Mind Parasites. Thats why they scheduled 1 cannabis that doesn’t allow medical research. THEY ALREADY Know what it does to their LITTLE PETS….
The DEA was formed by Nixon in 1972 to protect the Government's Top Secret Mind Control Biological Weapons...... I bigger deep dive can be found here.
By the Way you will later learn in your EPIC JOURNEY to the SHORES of ENLIGHTMENT, that Nixon Reagan, Clintons, Obama, the Bushes are ALL SPACE JEWS. The Owl represents Moloch and those are Aliens having sex with humans. The little symbols coming out of the mouths represents energy they feed off of humans from orgasm. You can learn more about that weirdo shit by clicking on the picture from La Quinta Columna…..Q-
They are all SPACE JEW homosexuals. Why do you think rich powerful men go into the woods to PARTY with no women every year????
The Gipper???? Yeah, more like the GIMP. A Hollywood ACTOR under the control of CIA George Papi Space Jew Bush
Thats why Obama sent his DEA SPACE DYKE Jenny Durkan after your boy!!!!!!................»»> Agent Freak Nasty you see????.......
Hey, wouldn’t that be HILLARIOUS if the ALIENS were JAMACIAN and brought weed here to save the HUMANS from the SPACE JEWS???? I’M just saying………….»»» Agent Freak Nasty
Well Until Next time Friends!!!!! …………….»»> Agent Midnight Rider
His eyes are like ANGELS …………….. His heart is COLD. No Need to Ask he’s a ……….»»>
For Up-to-date intelligence on the ***SPACE JEWS**** follow me on TWATTER @laconic93 If it says user not found that’s just SPACE JEWS trying to trick you. Try about three or four times. If you like ALIEN SPOOK PORN as much as Agent Freak Nasty you will have a great time let me, tell sumTIN to JEW!!!!!
BREAKING: In a stunning new leak, says Kamala Harris was allegedly in a sexual relationship with Sean "Diddy" Combs.
Agent Freak Nasty TIP OF THE DAY!!!!, If you see a ***SPACE JEW*** say SAFE and EFFECIVE and his neck starts moving. RUN MF!!!! RUN!!!!!!
TRANSformers more than meets the eye……..»» Agent Q MIB
Remember that 1 time Kamala the HOE told Dave Chappelle that her and Obama went to the SAME COLLEGE before he became President??? THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!
That AWKWARD moment when you find Alien NANO BOTS in your HINEY HOLE and your UNVAXXINATED…. JUST LIKE NAPOLEON!!!!!
That AWKWARD moment when you find that they injected the vaccinated with FACE HUGGERS…… »> Agent Q MIB
Would you like to know more????? Then Join us! in the PANTHERNS DEN……Q-
Don’t worry about donated money to my sub stack Agent Freak Nasty does this shit for fun…..Q-
Intel Courtesy of NSA.GOV Counter PSY-OPS Division
I think the mRNA vaccination rate in Israel was higher than other Western countries, so a good litmus test to your claim is to show the excess mortality of Israel for at least the past few years. What is their excess death rate, or even their disability rate? I honestly never saw this info conveyed anywhere.
I’ve repeatedly read that the nefarious want only docile humans remaining to function as serfs (500,000 worldwide sounds familiar). The dumber and younger the serfs the better. I’m not sure they care about the color of their skin and/or religious affiliation. Although it would not surprise me if their plan includes any means necessary to pit one group against another in the hopes that they kill off each other (much like war).