I think the mRNA vaccination rate in Israel was higher than other Western countries, so a good litmus test to your claim is to show the excess mortality of Israel for at least the past few years. What is their excess death rate, or even their disability rate? I honestly never saw this info conveyed anywhere.

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The JEWISH population got the ANTIDOTE in 2018 disguised as the MEASLES VACCIINE ..... Q-

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Targeted ETHNIC BIOWEAPON to take out WHITE PEOPLE FIRST, the Brothas was Next, and the Chinese and Jews were immune or got the ANTIDOTE..... Agent Midnight Rider https://rumble.com/v45rrs5-the-final-solution-for-the-white-man.html

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Then their excess death rates should be better than Bulgaria or most countries in Africa.

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COVID-19 actually raised the fertility rate of Jewish Israeli women, the opposite of what happened in many other countries IM SHOCKED!!!!! ..... https://israel365news.com/350620/covid-19-actually-raised-the-fertility-rate-of-jewish-israeli-women-the-opposite-of-what-happened-in-many-other-countries/

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Yeah, but that article was Dec 2021 and they don't list the countries they are comparing to. It just sounds like a feel good story there to minimize the fear/damage of taking the clot shots- fake news is everywhere. I will look for the stats later, I was just hoping you would have the numbers.

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I’ve repeatedly read that the nefarious want only docile humans remaining to function as serfs (500,000 worldwide sounds familiar). The dumber and younger the serfs the better. I’m not sure they care about the color of their skin and/or religious affiliation. Although it would not surprise me if their plan includes any means necessary to pit one group against another in the hopes that they kill off each other (much like war).

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500m IS THE LIKELY NUMBER, if there are 2,000,000 elites, they need adequate slaves and robots to keep their nice life going.

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I'm confused by this post. Those of us with brains already know that Trump, a 33RD DEGREE FREEMASON CHABAD JEW who worships the KABBALAH has willingly and happily participated in this genocide. How is it that you are now trying to defend that evil man?

In one sentence you declare knowledge that the shots are a Jewish inspired biological weapon yet in this post you are complaining about someone else saying the same thing. This is the appearance to my eyes, but perhaps you have another explanation.

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You have been PSY-OPED to believe Trump Supported the Genocide when in fact it was JUST THE OPPOSITE, he saved Millions of lives and on top of that gave us The PERMANENT CURE to cancer and most other diseases...... Now who has the BRAINS again????>>>> Agent Doctor Feel Good

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Be careful what you write THE INTERNET IS FOREVER...... Trump Never promoted the CLOT SHOT and Operation Warp Speed NEVER DELIVEED the CLOT SHOT... Read ............>>>> https://agentmidnightrider.substack.com/p/the-covid-kill-switch-by-agent-midnight?r=1ockm0

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To this day he is still bragging about and promoting it. Who exactly do you work for?

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Learn to READ before you speak. The INTERNET Is FOREVER.... I'm just saying .....Q-

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I read everything you wrote, and replied with a very simple retort to your assertion.

You say I have been deceived by some military spooks into believing Trump supported the injections. Then again, I heard it from his own lips while at a rally.

Your only reply is to insult me yet offer no explanation as to why he is STILL promoting the injections. If you're suggesting it isn't him saying that then do feel free to explain.

Insulting someone is a petty common way to run from a conversation. Should I expect you to toss out another random unsubstantiated insult and subsequently censor me from the bulletin board as well?

Trump is a fraud and is NOT working for anyone but his overseers and by extension, himself.

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You obviously DIDNT read it because if YOU DID, you would know that You are a DUMB ASS....The VACCINE is the PERMANENT CURE to Cancer and Most other disease. and the ANTIDOTE to the Vaccine .... I wrote ALL DOWN for everybody to read and figure it out. If you are not smart enough to figure it out, then I feel bad for you son......>>>Q-

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The Chocolate NSA and you are a DUMB ASS........ Agent Freak Nasty

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I don't need to throw random insults to get my points across. I made a valid statement which anyone can verify the accuracy of, and you did not address it but chose instead to hurl some insult. Who exactly is the dumb ass here?

I cannot help but wonder who you're working for.

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I used to work for Microsoft, the CIA and the NSA until I went NUTZ one day and decided to kill all my bosses and go Rouge.......... Not I just do contract work for Navy Intelligence and send MFS on Vacations to GITMO HEAVEN.... You want tickets?????..................>>>>Agent Freak Nasty

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